So it looks like we haven't updated this in over a year. Sorry about that.
Here are a few pictures I took today to show you what we've been up to recently.

We got our Christmas tree last Friday, and decorated it a few days later. I had to get new lights or we would have done it sooner. Jenny is there reading by the fire, on an antique settee we got a few months ago.

We also bought a new (new to us) dining room table last week. Its was made in 1957, but it's in pretty good shape. Here it is with one of two leaves and six of eight chairs.

Here's a good look at some of the Mid-Century elements that I think are so cool about this table. It goes pretty well with our Mid-Century hutch over against the wall, although they're not from the same set. Mom-mom's brass cross is on the wall by the door to the kitchen.

I decorated the house for Christmas. We bought a wreath to put up in the gable, and I wanted to string it with white lights. My ladder isn't tall enough, so I'll have to borrow one from a neighbor. But it's almost halfway through December, so I may just put the wreath on the door.

Our concrete Uga on the front porch is wearing a wreath of garland.

Here's a giant spider that was on the sidewalk when I went out to take the picture of the front of the house.
Abbey had some lumps removed from her belly last week, so she had to wear a lampshade. She doesn't really need it anymore, but I put it back on her to stage this picture.
Rosey didn't want to be left out, so she asked me to put this picture up. She forgot she was in the picture of the dining room table.
Abbey flinching as Rosey smacks her with her tail. I just thought it was too cute to leave out.